Monday, February 10, 2014

Sirene testing season

Any kind of defense is taken seriously in Switzerland. Among others there are sirens for water and general alert signals and they are tested regularly.
It happened last week when I heard the sirens outside. They were not the regular police, ambulance or any kind of sirens so I figured there must be something else going on. As I looked outside and no one is running anywhere I figured I would just stay where I am and wait. It was over in a minute or two. Afterwards I googled what was going on and indeed, that was a test. Apparently there were TV and radio announcements about that but as we do not own a TV nor listen to the radio we missed the announcements. I usually read the local newspaper to stay informed but obviously I missed this one. Oh, and there is another test coming this Wed.
More information about the testing can be found here and here.

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