Monday, October 7, 2013

Wage for everyone even without working?

I had a schedule... a very well edited and sat up schedule for my next post, including adventures about our weekend and here I am changing it.
What's the reason? Well, millions of Rappens happened. To be precise 15 tonnes of Rappens. If you still do not get it, do not worry, it's hard to believe anyway.
So here is the story:
There is a group (not that small actually) that wants the government to introduce a wage for every single person. That's not the usual minimum wage initiative which would guarantee everyone a minimum amount to earn but rather getting a sum for 'just' living in Switzerland. Now, this group poured those coins onto the streets for raising attention to the initiative. If you are interested in the long version of the story, check this out

Personally, I think it's a bad idea. In fact, a very bad one. I do not mean the pouring coins onto the streets and picking some up part because hey, you can get lucky once in a while but paying people just because they live in a certain country? That's a very bad idea. I am not only talking about the direct effects that would drive an extra pressure on immigration, which is already a sensitive topic in the country but about the long term effects as well including the impact of raising purchasing power or prices of goods. And that's only the beginning.
Those who live in the Netherlands know what I am talking about. I do not think that's the way it should go. Especially because it does not only mean paying a certain sum of money to every single person (who is out of work) but it's bigger than that. It's about the shift in how a country sees itself and its future. I would rather work for the money than just getting it but again, I might be the crazy one here.

The initiative has been introduced, now it's up to the Swiss citizens to decide (more on the reason why it's up to them and not politicians, coming soon). Let's see what happens.

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